GitHub 搜索技巧
GitHub 的搜索支持各种不同的操作,下面是一些常见搜索的快速技巧。如需更多信息,请访问 搜索帮助。
提示:按 S
1. 基础搜索
This search | Finds repositories with… |
cat stars:>100 | Find cat repositories with greater than 100 stars. |
user:defunkt | Get all repositories from the user defunkt. |
tom location:"San Francisco, CA" | Find all tom users in "San Francisco, CA" . |
join extension:coffee | Find all instances of join in code with coffee extension. |
NOT cat | Excludes all results containing cat. |
2. 仓库搜索
仓库搜索可以查看你在 GitHub 上可以访问的项目,你还可以过滤结果。
This search | Finds repositories with… |
cat stars:>100 | Find cat repositories with greater than 100 stars. |
user:defunkt | Get all repositories from the user defunkt. |
pugs pushed:>2013-01-28 | Pugs repositories pushed to since Jan 28, 2013. |
node.js forks:<200 | Find all node.js repositories with less than 200 forks. |
jquery size:1024..4089 | Find jquery repositories between the sizes 1024 and 4089 kB. |
gitx fork:true | Repository search includes forks of gitx. |
gitx fork:only | Repository search returns only forks of gitx. |
3. 代码搜索
代码搜索查看 GitHub 上的文件,你也可以过滤结果。
This search | Finds repositories with… |
install repo:charles/privaterepo | Find all instances of install in code from the repository charles/privaterepo. |
shogun user:heroku | Find references to shogun from all public heroku repositories. |
join extension:coffee | Find all instances of join in code with coffee extension. |
system size:>1000 | Find all instances of system in code of file size greater than 1000kbs. |
examples path:/docs/ | Find all examples in the path /docs/. |
replace fork:true | Search replace in the source code of forks. |
4. 问题搜索
问题搜索可以查看 GitHub 上的问题和拉动请求,你还可以过滤结果。
This search | Finds issues… |
encoding user:heroku | Encoding issues across the Heroku organization. |
cat is:open | Find cat issues that are open. |
strange comments:>42 | Issues with more than 42 comments. |
hard label:bug | Hard issues labeled as a bug. |
author:mojombo | All issues authored by mojombo. |
mentions:tpope | All issues mentioning tpope. |
assignee:rtomayko | All issues assigned to rtomayko. |
exception created:>2012-12-31 | Created since the beginning of 2013. |
exception updated:<2013-01-01 | Last updated before 2013. |
5. 用户搜索
用户搜索可以找到在 GitHub 上有账户的用户,你还可以过滤结果。
This search | Finds repositories with… |
fullname:"Linus Torvalds" | Find users with the full name "Linus Torvalds". |
tom location:"San Francisco, CA" | Find all tom users in "San Francisco, CA". |
chris followers:100..200 | Find all chris users with followers between 100 and 200. |
ryan repos:>10 | Find all ryan users with more than 10 repositories. |