16259. To Primitive
小于 1 分钟
16259. To Primitive
::: playground#ts 16259. To Primitive
@file index.ts
// ============= Test Cases =============
import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils'
type PersonInfo = {
name: 'Tom'
age: 30
married: false
addr: {
home: '123456'
phone: '13111111111'
hobbies: ['sing', 'dance']
readonlyArr: readonly ['test']
fn: () => any
type ExpectedResult = {
name: string
age: number
married: boolean
addr: {
home: string
phone: string
hobbies: [string, string]
readonlyArr: readonly [string]
fn: Function
type cases = [
Expect<Equal<ToPrimitive<PersonInfo>, ExpectedResult>>,
// ============= Your Code Here =============
type ToPrimitive<T> = any
type ToPrimitive<T> = T extends object ? (
T extends (...args: never[]) => unknown ? Function : {
[Key in keyof T]: ToPrimitive<T[Key]>
) : (
T extends { valueOf: () => infer P } ? P : T